Friday 18 October 2013

Magnetic Diabetics Belt for controlling diabetics and blood circulation


Diabetics controlling belt is a product to help increasing the insulin level in the body through activating the pancreas blood circulation. It helps to control the diabetics. It is also valuable in the treatment of liver disorders, endocrine glands, stomach for belly pain, solar plexus for naval etc.

Magnetic healing has no side effects. Magnets decreases the healing time by fifty percentage. It is a natural and alternative therapy.The ferrous particles in the blood are attracted to magnets in the area and there by increasing the blood circulation. 425 Million people have used magnetic healing till date. Diabetics controlling belt is easy to use and it is complementary to other treatments.

Magnetic healing- How magnets work?
Few basics in anatomy and physiology is required before starting. Blood is  a living tissue that rotates around your body through a network of arteries, veins and capillaries.  Blood carries nutrients, oxygen, hormones, antibodies, heat, electrolytes and vitamins to the tissues.  Blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma, electrolytes, hormones, minerals and iron.
Blood flows around the body in arteries, veins and capillaries. The blood is moved from the heart to the lungs.  where it picks up oxygen and then transports it to all the organs and tissues. Every part of the body depends on blood to provide the necessary oxygen and nutrients it needs to survive.


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