Tuesday 29 October 2013

Bio- magnetic water and the miracles to your health

What is Bio-Magnetic Water?

Water is paramagnetic in nature.  That it can hold a magnetic charge. The earth has a magnetic field and it charges the natural water with its magnetic field.    But when water passes through treatment plants and is carried through pipes to your place, it loses its magnetic charge and bio- magnetism.  By treating the water with magnetic fields simply restore the natural energy and balance that nature required. The magnetized water has more hydroxyl (OH) ions that form alkaline molecules, which reduces the acidity of water.  Normal tap water has a pH of about 7. Magnetized water is more alkaline and can have a pH as high as 9.2. The surface tension is reduced when the water is magnetized. The bio-magnetized water feels softer to drink.    It is thinner water, wetter, and more absorbable to the body. It is able to penetrate cell walls and deliver the nutrients that it carries.

What are the Health Benefits Of Bio-magnetized water?
Your body weight is over 70%  of water. All the biological functions in the human body  including circulation, digestion, absorption, and excretion depend on water.  Water is required for blood, the lymphatic system, and for healthy skin and better muscles. As per the health professionals,  when you are sick, the pH of your body is more acidic.  Magnetized water, which is more alkaline, raises the pH of your body, which allows the body to get rid of the toxins accumulated over time.  Bio-magnetized water is  energy-building, activating, cleansing, and detoxifying.  By drinking bio-magnetized water, people have reported resolving bladder problems, recovering quickly from a stroke, alleviating arthritis pain, reducing blood pressure, and breaking up kidney and gall stones.  Scientific studies conducted have proved that magnetized water has health benefits for animals.  Therefore it seems reasonable that it should also be beneficial for humans. 
Magnetic Water Maker- Buy Online
Magnetic water maker- Buy Online
 Reported health benefits of drinking magnetic water are:

  • Magnetized water favorably affects the health.
  • For most diseases especially those of the digestive,  the excretory and the nervous systems, magnetized water is very helpful.
  • It improves digestion, reduces gastric acidity and  cures flatulence.
  • Magnetized water is useful in constipation as well. Magnetized water relieves women of their menstrual problems.
  • Magnetized water prevents the deposition of cholesterol on  the inner surface of blood vessels. It has also been seen to decrease      cholesterol deposits when used for  a long period.
  • Magnetized water improves blood supply and nutrition to  the various organs, including the heart.
  • Magnetized water is a diuretic and is helpful in kidney ailments.
  • For a person suffering from anuria (no urination), when given magnetized water at intervals of ten minutes, experiences relief in      an hour or two.
  • Magnetized water can dissolve stones in the urinary system.
  • This water strengthens and invigorates the natural  resistance power of the body. Hence it is useful for the treatment of      viral diseases, common cold, influenza, cough, ,asthma and most other  diseases.
         There is a place called Evian in France, where people from all over Europe      flock. Springs in Evian are believed to relieve joint troubles, obesity and urinary disorders. This ‘Evian water’ is even bottled and sold all      over France.
  • It finds a place in all homes and hotels of France. This ‘Evian water’ is nothing but naturally magnetized water. In our      country, too, there are such springs where persons in ill-health flock to regain health.
         Like water, milk too can be magnetized and its nutritional value enhanced
  •  Magnetic water is more sweet than ordinary water and has more clarity.
  •   Magnetic water reduces acidity in the body and since the magnetic water is alkaline. It promotes alkalinity
  • Magnetic water promotes healing of wounds and burns.
  • Magnetic water has a therapeutic effect of digestive, nervous, and urinary systems.
  •  Magnetic water can be beneficial for asthma, fevers, colds, coughs, bronchitis, and sore throats.
  •  Magnetic water can be beneficial for menstrual and menopause discomfort.
  •  Magnetic water revitalized the body.
  •  Magnetic water has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system.
  • Magnetic water can help regulate the heart function and clear clogged arteries.
  • Magnetic water is beneficial for kidney ailments (removal and prevention of stones), gout, obesity (it improves metabolic activity), and premature aging.
  • Magnetic water helps relieve pain.
  • Magnetic water infuses energy into the body, controls bacteria, and stimulates brain function.
  • Magnetic water can help dissipate toxic deposits in the body’s connective tissue.
  •  Magnetic water can regulate blood pressure (high or low).
  •  Magnetic water can be used to wash and disinfect external cuts and scrapes.
  • Magnetic water will remove the plaque on your teeth if you use it to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, and drink.
  • Magnetic water will make your hair softer and more manageable while using less shampoo when used to wash your hair.
  •  Magnetic water is ionic so it helps reset the charge on cell walls, thus promoteing better circulation.
How to make magnetize water using this equipment?
Keep a vessel over the magnetized water maker which is preferable copper, stainless or glass.It should be kept for 24 hours. However, water influenced for 12-14 hours can also be used.
Usually, water influenced by both the poles (north as well as south) simultaneously should be consumed for better result.

For preparing such water, two magnets should be placed on either side of a bottle containing water such that the north pole of one magnet faces the south pole of the other magnet.
Water, magnetized by only one pole, may have to be used in specific problems.

For example, in hyperacidity or gastric ulcer, water magnetized by south pole alone should be used.
On the other hand, for sluggish digestion, water magnetized with north pole alone can be used.

It should be noted that for magnetizing water, the magnets are to be kept in contact with the water-bottle from outside; they are not to be immersed into the water.

Magnetized water should not be heated or kept in a refrigerator.
Once influenced by magnets, the water remains magnetized for about three to four days.

The dosage of magnetized water : Magnetized water should be taken three to five times a day, in doses of about 100 ml (half a glass). Small children may be given a lesser quantity of water each time.
Magnetized water can also be used to wash eyes, to cleanse wounds and burns and flush the intestines (through an enema).



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